God's people must follow the words of God absolutely. We cannot take away or add anything to the word of God in the Bible If we do what will happen to us?
If anyone adds to the Bible, God will add to him the plagues and if anyone takes away from the Bible, he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. So, we must not add to God's words or take away from them.
One of the teachings and Command from God is to Keep Sabbath Holy, Sabbath means rest and is the 7th day of the week which is Saturday, God establish that day for or own Salvation He either set a this Day from the creation.
2 By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. 3 Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.
God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, so the seventh-day is the holy worship day. God separated this day for us to know God and God now His Children's this day is so important that God put it in the 10 commandment.
The Seventh-day is Sabbath the commandment of God, He commanded us to Remember this day by keeping it holy, if any ones takes away the Sabbath or adds something different, he cannot be saved, Sabbath Day - the Seventh Day of the week - Saturday, is so important because in this day we received the sing between God and us.
The Sabbath-Saturday is a sing between God and His people, therefore, God's people must keep the Sabbath Day as God command. Some People say that the Sabbath was abolish in the New Testament times, but this is not true Jesus Him self set an example of keeping the truth.
The Sabbath is Jesus' custom, which means a ceremony that is conducted regularly.Then many said "we don't keep the Sabbath Day - Saturday, and we keep Sunday because Jesus abolish it by the Crucifixion, but this also is not truth because Apostle Paul follow the example of Jesus Christ and Keep also Sabbath Day as his custom.
Apostle Paul kept the Sabbath even after the Crucifixion. So, it is wrong that the Sabbath Day - Saturday was abolished after the Crucifixion, and the New Testament never says that we should keep Sunday instead of the Sabbath. The Bible commands us to keep the Sabbath until the end of the age.
Jesus and his disciples set an example of Keeping the Sabbath, therefore we have to follow the example and keep Sabbath Day, if we don't follow God's command and don't keep the will of God we can never enter Kingdom of Heaven.
The purpose of our faith is to enter Kingdom of Heaven, according to the Bible, He who does the will of God can enter to kingdom of heaven and those who don't never will enter. God will is the Sabbath Day not Sunday as Satan made us believe all this time since 325 AD when Satan change Sabbath Day the commandments of God and place instead Sunday which is the Day of the pagan Sun god.Though all this time we been living in darkness keeping Satan law which is the law of death, God second coming Christ is so merciful that He came again to reveal the truth and show us the way of Salvation the Law of God which is the law of Eternal Life.
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