World Mission Society church of God cleans up for Passover
On March 4 the World Mission Society church of God hosted the Worldwide Environmental Cleanup Campaign for the Passover in commemoration of the Sacred Birth of Christ Ahnsahnghong.
The World Mission Society Church of God church located in Naperville participated in this event by cleaning the Country Lakes Park in Naperville.
Around 200 church members who reside in greater Chicago areas even as far as Wisconsin and Indiana participated in this community service cleanup campaign. The event was organized together with the Naperville Park District.
Christ Ahnsahnhong is the 2nd Coming Jesus, who has brought salvation to us through the Passover, according to the prophecies of the Bible
World Mission Society Church of God delivers true Love by keeping the Passover of the New Covenant
How beautiful these activities are! WMSCOG is the salt and the light in this age!